Bloomingdale’s Favorite Wine Festival

Beaujolais Nouveau Day at Mahan Family Wines on the second Saturday in November

There’s a little known celebration in France that takes place every year on the third Thursday in November – the day is marked with fireworks, music and lots of wine drinking. 

Under French law, the wine is released at 12:01 a.m., just weeks after the wine's grapes have been harvested. 

Wine Lovers descend on their favorite spot in town to share in the celebration of the first wine of the season; uncorking their mutual love for great wine and company.

What is Beaujolais Nouveau

In its most direct translation, Beaujolais Nouveau is a red wine made from Gamay grapes produced in the Beaujolais region of France. 

The wine is known to be fresh, fruity, and very low in tannins. Part of the reason Beaujolais Nouveau can be consumed so soon after harvest is due to the Gamay grape - as it is very straightforward in flavor and therefore doesn’t require the same aging as other varietals to be so delicious.

Why the second Saturday in November?

While the tradition in France is held on the third Thursday in November, in the United States, preparations and travel for Thanksgiving are well underway. 

Rather than throwing up our hands and declaring that we can’t hold one of the most epic wine celebrations of the year, we’ve decided to do it just a little earlier than French law would allow. 

I guess you could say we’re law breakers.

Join in on the fun!

If the lawless rebel in you loves wine and great people as much as we do, we invite you to join us on the second Saturday in November in Bloomingdale, Illinois as we celebrate Beaujolais Nouveau Day in style. 

Tickets will be made available on our site and each ticket comes with a few pours to get your day off on the right foot, plus two bottles of Mahan Family Wines so you can bring the party home with you.

Make Your Reservation now!

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